March 8th, 2022
The intention of the hospital was to empower, educate and improve women awareness on their health and well-being as they are a big part of Uganda’s society. In a bid to recognize the value and importance of women in the society, Afriegypt Health Services offered a free women health awareness week from the 8th- 12th of march 2022 on both their general and reproductive health.
On 8th march, an event was held at the hospital premises to celebrate women’s day and was attended by over 75 ladies from within jinja and the surrounding areas. Our distinctive and well qualified doctors offered early detection and prevention of breast cancer & cervical cancer and education on important topics on health care, nutrition and diet, healthy lifestyle.
In this process, over 100 free consultations & 233 free radiology studies were done and several referrals were sent to cancer institute Kampala for cases of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Those with benign lesions and all were advised to do a routine follow up.
Several high delegates appreciated and encourage search campaigns to be offered to the community as it has benefited them a lot.